Crown Relocations is NZ’s leading moving company.

Moving Overseas? 5 reasons Crown is #1

Whether you are relocating overseas for work, family, quality of life, retirement or adventure there are some big decisions to make. Choosing a mover is one of the biggest. Now more than ever you need to think ‘globally’ and carefully consider the potential issues you may face when you and your personal effects arrive in your new country.

Here are 5 reasons why you should ‘think’ Crown for your overseas move;

1. One Company Responsibility

When you move Crown to Crown there is only one company to work with and the commitments made at origin will be honoured and prioritised by the new Crown office at destination. The price will not change unless there are extenuating circumstances. In the event of insurance issues you deal with the local Crown office and someone who sees your insurance as an extension of the service, not an inconvenience. Having one company responsibility means you are NOT in the hands of an overseas agent or franchisee, with no control over their additional charges or service level.

2. Personal Data Privacy and Protection

When moving overseas you will need to provide your chosen mover with personal financial details, passport information, family information, addresses and also a valuation and complete inventory of all your possessions. How will you know where your data goes? Who has access to it and will it be copied? How can you trust that this information will be safe.

Crown are fully compliant with EU GDPR data privacy and protection regulations. Access to your personal data is restricted to only those who need that information. All employees are required to understand, and sign off specific policies that guide the way information is accessed and transmitted. Crown do not sell information to anyone and share only minimal personal data with third parties, who are directly assisting with service delivery.

Not a day goes by without a news story about a company being compromised by a cyber-attack, anyone who holds information is vulnerable and must be vigilant. Crown are constantly testing and updating their security technology to counter a diverse range of external threats.

3. Crown’s People

A key Crown objective is to attract, inspire and empower people to do the best work of their lives Enhancing diversity and inclusion is an ongoing commitment to foster and support equal opportunity across the organisation. We have built a robust learning and development platform of accredited skills and Crown University on line courses to better support our staff and customers.

One of the great things about working for Crown is that all staff are encouraged to make a real difference in the places they work and their local communities. The global business has been aligned to the principles of the United Nations Compact with respect to human rights, the environment, labour practices and community service. On an individual basis staff have paid time off to actively volunteer within their local communities. Our people really do make the difference and this is what customers can expect when they move with us.

4. Zero Tolerance

A recent World Corruption Perception Index ranked New Zealand as the least corrupt country in the world. When moving overseas however, you need to take a ‘global’ view and understand that public sector corruption, political instability and cynical lifestyles can be the norm.

In order to maintain business integrity Crown require that 100% of all employees (in every location) understand and abide by our anti-corruption and bribery policy. There is zero tolerance and standards are maintained through ongoing training and an independently hosted ethics ‘hotline’, where all staff are required to anonymously report suspicious activities. You can be assured that if you move with Crown, misconduct is far less likely to occur than with any others.

5. Service Partner Management

At various stages of the relocation process Crown may use service partners to complete tasks and deliver services on their behalf. Crown’s service partners are required to complete a thorough vetting process and also expected to uphold the highest ethical standards of business behaviour and employment practices.

100% of Crown’s approved partners subscribe to our Code of Conduct and those who do not meet the standards are suspended or deleted from the supply chain. A key focus is to ensure all partners are compliant with Crown’s data protection requirements and share Crown’s commitment to human rights, labour principles, environmental responsibility and working against corruption. The Service Partner database is pro-actively managed by Crown’s in house risk team.

Thinking about a move overseas? For a free, no obligation quote just click here — we can deliver a door-to-door one company service every step of the way. If you have any questions, or want to discuss anything further, call our friendly staff on: 0508 227 696.

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